InternationallyOutreach to Haiti
Faith Tabernacle works with an orphanage to provide food, clothing, medicine, school supplies and materials for christian education. The Lighthouse Faith Tabernacle is a proud partner of The Lighthouse. A beacon of hope in Haiti. |
LocallyHawthrone Neighborhood Council
A member of the church sitting on the community board to help make decisions for the Hawthorne neighborhood and the church. Nursing Home Worship Service every third Sunday of the month for an hour at designated nursing home(s) in the community. Hospital/Shut-In Visit and pray for those that are homebound and hospitalized. |
Serving Our MembersCard Ministry
Each month birthday cards are sent out to members and sympathy cards to members who have lost a love one. Mission of Care Provide meals for members who are shut in, & or in bereavement. |
Address2025 Dr. Floyd R. Beecham Sr. (North 4th) Street
Minneapolis, MN 55411 |